Marketing and Sales

The Secret to Staying Productive While Working From Home
March 31, 2020 at 11:39 am

Working from home can be a challenge. But, just because we might be in a different work environment doesn’t mean that productivity needs to take a hit. Your output and focus can remain the same as it was in the office, as long as you focus on the right things. For some tips on bossing it from home, we talked to a work-from-home pro...

Six Sheets to Look at for Novice Bookkeepers in QuickBooks
March 27, 2020 at 11:14 am

Ask the Accountant… Question: I have someone doing my bookkeeping, but I really don’t know anything about QuickBooks. What reports should I look at every month? Answer: There are six reports that provide a practical overview of your business. First, create, or have your bookkeeper create: 1. The balance sheet 2. The profit and loss statement…

Brands Switch Up Their Logos to Promote Social Distancing
March 25, 2020 at 1:01 pm

While medical professionals and political figures will remain the ones who will dominate the discussions around the COVID-19 response, brands are also engaging the public to act responsibly. Several major companies, including McDonald's and Coca-Cola, are making temporary adjustments to their logos to promote social distancing measures...

Our Fave 5 Promotional Products of the Week: Supporting Local Business and Empty Stadiums
March 25, 2020 at 11:18 am

This week, there have been plenty of small businesses using promotional products to recoup losses from having to shut their doors. We miss some of our local haunts, so we are happy to see them turn to promotional items as ways to keep the lights on and get local support. We included a few of them in this week’s edition of the Fave 5...

Using Social Media to Stay Connected and Keep Customers Informed
March 23, 2020 at 12:41 pm

Suppliers and distributors able to continue operations are looking for ways to stay in contact with their partners and customers and do the best they can during this time. One of the ways were seeing everyone stay connected is through social media. Here's how a few suppliers are doing that, along with their advice for using social media during this time...

Selling Promo During a Crisis: Doing Your Job When Things Get Weird
March 20, 2020 at 1:39 pm

With everything going on right now, sales calls feel uncomfortable at best, tone deaf at worst. But promo professionals have businesses to run. How do you balance giving your customers the space they need while still doing your job? There’s no single answer that works for everyone, but here are some ideas...