Newsletter Blogs

Delete Your Old Company Files in QuickBooks
May 24, 2018 at 1:49 pm

Question: I have a few company files set up in QuickBooks Premier from businesses I started but no longer run. How do I delete them from the list of companies to open? Answer: These companies can be hidden but technically not deleted. Select "File," "Open Previous Company" to see the list of all the companies…

Are You Having Fun?
May 21, 2018 at 2:08 pm

Most distributor owners started their own business because they had a dream of making more money and having more fun than working for someone else. However, for many distributor owners, those dreams have turned into nightmares. All the responsibilities of business ownership can be very exhausting, distracting and no fun. Business owners not only have…

Promos and Politics
May 15, 2018 at 2:48 pm

Politicians love promotional products when they are running for office, and mid-term elections are right around the corner. Yet the politicians don’t really understand the value of our industry (does anyone?), and that can be dangerous, as they pass laws that can negatively impact us. For example, language has been proposed in the past that…

Using QuickBooks for Multiple Businesses
May 11, 2018 at 2:40 pm

Question: I use QuickBooks Premier for my distributorship. I also run another small business. Can I use my QuickBooks program for that, too, or do I have to buy Premier again? Answer: You can set up another company or companies in QuickBooks Premier at no additional charge from QuickBooks. You do not have to purchase…

How Women's Apparel, Unisex and the Corporate Market Has Changed (and How to Sell It Now)
May 9, 2018 at 8:44 am

Many years ago, when my company entered the promotional products marketplace, we were told that every style of apparel we introduced must have a women's companion piece. This women's apparel companion style should be manufactured with the exact same fabric as the men's styling—but be distinctly “women's” in make and silhouette. The theory and logic…

It’s Just Lunch
May 7, 2018 at 2:43 pm

How do you spend your lunchtime? Many distributors and sales reps think lunch is a great time to eat a sandwich at their desk and catch up on their work. In my view, this is an incredibly bad use of the potentially most valuable part of your day. We are all in the relationship business.…

The Insanity of Vanity
April 16, 2018 at 2:37 pm

We’ve all heard the definition of insanity: Repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. May I ask if this describes your typical day? Repeating the same thing over and over again and getting the same results? I have had the opportunity to speak with thousands of distributors and reps in…

The Flannel Phenomenon and Decoration
April 11, 2018 at 9:40 am

Long thought to be untouchable for our marketplace, retail-style patterned plaid flannel shirts were rarely found in promotional products channels because there was always that nagging question of embroidery...

Say What You Mean!
April 3, 2018 at 2:56 pm

"Irregardless" means regardless, so why do some say "irregardless?" In fact, most dictionaries state that "irregardless" is nonstardard or incorrect use, yet I hear so many colleagues use the phrase. So what, you say? Why does it matter? Perhaps it doesn’t matter to most people, but it always makes me pause to contemplate the speaker’s…