PM News

Can You Start Another Company In QuickBooks Without Buying Another? Yes and No
July 19, 2024 at 11:56 am

Ask the Accountant… Question: I am starting another company and am using QuickBooks Premier. Can I start another company in my QB without buying another program even though I am in the Premier subscription program? Answer: Yes and no. YES : QuickBooks Desktop users (Pro, Premier, and Enterprise) can create any number of additional companies…

Executive Perspectives: Ruckus & Co. Inc. President Karl Ziegler on His Continuing Education
July 18, 2024 at 8:56 am

As part of Print & Promo Marketing’s ongoing feature, Executive Perspectives, we get to know leading professionals in the print and promotional industry. This month, we interviewed Karl Ziegler, president of Ruckus & Co. Inc., Greenwood, South Carolina. Here, he shares how personal growth fuels his leadership style, offers a glimpse into serving high-profile events,…