Maria Raha

Maria Raha
’Tis the Season to Keep It Simple

HOLIDAY CARDS AS a client gift might initially ring of predictability. But in an economy where everyone is looking to tighten belts and knot purse strings—not to mention one in which corporate culture has gone digital and receives less personalized mail overall—greeting cards might be the answer to keeping clients in end-users’ sights during an economically challenging holiday season. According to the Greeting Card Association (GCA), the greeting card industry rakes in over $7 billion a year, and 90 percent of U.S. households purchase cards for a variety of occasions. The GCA also reported nine in 10 people welcome the feeling of importance


EVERY SCHOOL YEAR brings with it a graduating class, a new batch of fresh-faced students and simultaneously, the sense of starting all over again. Educational institutions subsequently need to “restock” with incoming students, and revamped marketing initiatives can be just the thing to attract the next star quarterback or future valedictorian. Promo Marketing asked Ilene Wilder, director of marketing and business development at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, about the needs of such a sprawling institution. “My primary responsibility is to create and execute marketing plans to support the business initiatives of the [business services] division,” she explained. “In addition, I manage new

It's Easy Being Green

THE COLOR GREEN has always been closely linked to golf. There’s the deeply colored grass blanketing golf courses, often reputed to be reason enough for golfers to haul irons over hills, if just to practice their swing. There are the lucrative business deals made on the course and in the clubhouse, or the state of being “green with envy” for the wealth which hovers as closely to the sport’s reputation as an overzealous caddy might to his or her golfers. Golf’s many connections to the color green shouldn’t only tempt its players, though—a few facts make a strong financial case for the success of