Elise Hacking Carr

Elise Hacking Carr

Elise Hacking Carr is senior production editor for Print & Promo Marketing magazine, and managing editor for PRINTING United Journal.

Executive Perspectives: Ruckus & Co. Inc. President Karl Ziegler on His Continuing Education

As part of Print & Promo Marketing’s ongoing feature, Executive Perspectives, we get to know leading professionals in the print and promotional industry. This month, we interviewed Karl Ziegler, president of Ruckus & Co. Inc., Greenwood, South Carolina. Here, he shares how personal growth fuels his leadership style, offers a glimpse into serving high-profile events,…

Women In Print and Promo: Anna Mosakowski, COO of Sock101

As part of Print & Promo Marketing's annual 'Women In Print and Promo' feature, we're profiling women who have helped drive the industry forward. Our first profile is Anna Mosakowski, chief operating officer for Sock101.