Greetings loyal readers,
A lot of times, in my interviews, suppliers recommend "thinking outside the box." This is good advice, sort of, except that it's sort of like telling someone to "do a good job." Obviously, they should do a good job, but really it would be more helpful to tell them how.
So, as I discussed at the end of my last post, I thought I would share some tips on being creative, which I guess is the same thing as thinking outside the box. You know, sans a descriptive modifier or whatever. The reasoning here being that because I'm a writer, I know a bit about being creative. Hopefully, what I do in my creative process will be just as usable for you all trying to think of unique ideas for products. Here's the list, arranged in no particular order (we're outside the box, remember?):
-The biggest thing I can recommend is that you should try to be thinking about new ideas as much as possible. In the shower, before bed, on the commute to or from work, just basically whenever you get a free minute. The more you train you mind to be thinking of solutions, the more answers just pop into your head at random times. At least that's how it works for me.
In regards to the above, you should always have a pad of paper or some kind of recording device handy, because when random ideas come, you need to be able to write them down. Believe me, if you don't, they'll disappear, and man, then the depression comes hard. There is nothing worse than the feeling of a good idea lost forever. Also, recording stuff helps encourage your brain to keep coming up with ideas, and helps you build off recorded concepts too. Again, I'm basing this off my personal experience.
- Companies:
- Custom HBC Corporation
- People:
- Larry Wilhelm