Last week I used this space to discuss a rather sour shopping experience I had after trying to work with an inattentive sales attendant. But there’s a different issue plaguing me: insomnia.
Unfortunately, this is nothing new. The difference? “Older Elise” can’t function as well as “College Elise” on limited Z’s—and I’m not alone. According to the Sleep in America polls, conducted on behalf of the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 20 percent of Americans get less than 6 hours of sleep on average. How many times have we read that poor sleep hygiene is linked to a growing list of health risks including heart disease and diabetes, in addition to mood disorders like anger and depression? This invariably extends to our daily routines: Relationships suffer, ideas are lacking and productivity falters. (In my case, blog posts become more challenging to write!)
Feeling overwhelmed yet? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then I’m sure you’re familiar with the all-consuming worry that nighttime brings. What was once an enjoyable routine has now become a source of stress—panic, even. Relax! It is possible to reconnect with sleep and, in turn, rediscover the creative, passionate, insightful YOU that your peers have come to know in this industry. To get started, read these Healthy Sleep Tips from the National Sleep Foundation (I’ll do it with you).
And when all else fails, turn to these sleepy-time themed promotional items. Your clients will benefit from a little help, thereby causing your sales to skyrocket, which will simultaneously reduce your stress and, by extension, insomnia (so will reading that sentence).
Sweet Dreams!
Sleeping and Your Health-Pocket Slider Chart from Better Life Industries LLC
This interactive slide chart operates like a slide rule. Match up the bullet point and view the helpful tips for improving sleeping habits in the cutout window. Pleasant dreams are only 10 sheep away.
Spa Comforts Midnight Mask from Dreamtime
The Spa Comforts Midnight Mask minimizes light rays that may contribute to disrupted sleep. Fresh lavender flowers are sprinkled inside for an extra calming effect. The mask boasts a snug fit and ergonomic design.
The Sleep Improving Pillow Wedge from Hammacher Schlemmer
This pillow provides a subtle incline that raises the upper body, offering relief from the symptoms of heartburn, sinus congestion and snoring. Crafted from two layers of medical grade polyurethane foam, the pillow’s anti-microbial treated quilted cotton/polyester cover zips off for washing.
Sleep: It Does a Body Good
Last week I used this space to discuss a rather sour shopping experience I had after trying to work with an inattentive sales attendant. But there’s a different issue plaguing me: insomnia.
Unfortunately, this is nothing new. The difference? “Older Elise” can’t function as well as “College Elise” on limited Z’s—and I’m not alone. According to the Sleep in America polls, conducted on behalf of the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 20 percent of Americans get less than 6 hours of sleep on average. How many times have we read that poor sleep hygiene is linked to a growing list of health risks including heart disease and diabetes, in addition to mood disorders like anger and depression? This invariably extends to our daily routines: Relationships suffer, ideas are lacking and productivity falters. (In my case, blog posts become more challenging to write!)
Feeling overwhelmed yet? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then I’m sure you’re familiar with the all-consuming worry that nighttime brings. What was once an enjoyable routine has now become a source of stress—panic, even. Relax! It is possible to reconnect with sleep and, in turn, rediscover the creative, passionate, insightful YOU that your peers have come to know in this industry. To get started, read these Healthy Sleep Tips from the National Sleep Foundation (I’ll do it with you).
And when all else fails, turn to these sleepy-time themed promotional items. Your clients will benefit from a little help, thereby causing your sales to skyrocket, which will simultaneously reduce your stress and, by extension, insomnia (so will reading that sentence).
Sweet Dreams!
Sleeping and Your Health-Pocket Slider Chart from Better Life Industries LLC
This interactive slide chart operates like a slide rule. Match up the bullet point and view the helpful tips for improving sleeping habits in the cutout window. Pleasant dreams are only 10 sheep away.
Spa Comforts Midnight Mask from Dreamtime
The Spa Comforts Midnight Mask minimizes light rays that may contribute to disrupted sleep. Fresh lavender flowers are sprinkled inside for an extra calming effect. The mask boasts a snug fit and ergonomic design.
The Sleep Improving Pillow Wedge from Hammacher Schlemmer
This pillow provides a subtle incline that raises the upper body, offering relief from the symptoms of heartburn, sinus congestion and snoring. Crafted from two layers of medical grade polyurethane foam, the pillow’s anti-microbial treated quilted cotton/polyester cover zips off for washing.