On Monday night, I went to Citizens Bank Park to watch the Phillies play the Houston Astros. The weather was not ideal, but the Phillies had a great game. Upon entering the stadium, every attendee received a free hat. The 100 percent cotton navy blue hat from BWM Global held a Liberty Bell design on the front and an imprint on the back. The rainy weather enhanced the promotion because people who forgot rain gear quickly donned the hat. The stadium, usually a sea of red T-shirts, was flooded with navy noggins. I even saw people in the hats yesterday while I was running through the city, so clearly the promotion was a success.
Use the guidelines below to hit it out of the park with your own ballpark promotion.
The design on front of the cap is the Liberty Bell instead of the Phillies "P" so fans of the Astros and other park visitors could wear the hat without betraying their home team. The baseball cap became a memento of Philadelphia rather than the Phillies, giving it universal appeal. Finally, note the colors on the hat. The blue material and red and white embroidery make it more patriotic than Philadelphia-centric.
The promotion was sponsored by ProAir HFA (as evidenced by the imprint on the back). The white stitching of the imprint matches the Phillies "P" and the outline of the liberty bell so the imprint stands out just enough without overwhelming the product. The asthma medicine picked a good venue for the promotion, because asthma is often exercise-induced.
The left side of the hat held the Phillies "P" to denote what stadium and team supplied the hats, but without taking away from the design on the front or the imprint on the back.
Though the right side could have held more embroidery, it is left it blank so the cap is not too weighed down with designs.
No matter your personal team allegiance, this baseball cap promotion could work for you. Also, go Phillies!
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- Caps and Headwear
Colleen McKenna
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