Yesterday, we received brand new computers in the Promo Marketing office. When I started here years ago, we had just upgraded to the then-new iMac G5s, and while impressive at the time they now have trouble running some of the newer software* I need for work.
So you can imagine our excitement when, unannounced, a fleet of shiny aluminum iMacs arrived on our desks. But while everyone was oohing and ahhing at the Photo Booth and the Magic Mouse, I was hard at work** on the news. And while I'm a PC man through and through, I've got to admit, these things are pretty. The screens are gorgeous and the operating system is slick, and it doesn't surprise me that people become so enthralled with Apple products.
- Categories:
- Electronics
Kyle A. Richardson is the editorial director of Promo Marketing. He joined the company in 2006 brings more than a decade of publishing, marketing and media experience to the magazine. If you see him, buy him a drink.